Galette des Rois, a French tradition on Jan 6th

If you are to go to France this week, you will see Galettes des Rois everywhere in the patisseries and the supermarkets. There are various recipes to this cake but the most frequently seen is a puff pastry cake with marzipan as a filling. Within the marzipan is a plastic figurine that used to be in olden times a bean, then replaced by a porcelaine figurine, and now unceremoniously plastic. The Galette des Rois is cut into as many pieces as there are people around the table. The youngest child hides beneath the table and calls out one by one the people present. The person who gets the figurine (la fêve) gets a paper crown. Nowadays, often there are two crowns and the king/queen can choose a queen/king.

This galette is eaten around Epiphany (Jan 6th) but has no religious connotation except that the Catholic Church managed at one time to encourage making the figurines into the effigy of baby Jesus. It’s therefore a pagan tradition and dates back to the Romans directly, and the Greeks indirectly.

The Greeks used to choose their magistrates this way: they would hide a bean in a cake, divide the cake up, and the guy with a bean became magistrate. The Romans had a different take on the custom. They would give a cake to a bunch of slaves. The one who got the bean would be King for the day and could go around bossing everyone around but the next day, he went back to being a slave or was put to death. Nice times.

The custom stayed alive in France after the Roman times and has gone on till now. It only stopped during the revolution when wheat was too precious and the very name of the galette, “galette des rois”, was a no no. Who wanted a king?

The fact that the Epiphany is also a feast about the Magi (known as 3 kings from Orient following a star and finding the baby Jesus in a stable) has absolutely nothing to do with the galette. The church tried to piggy-back the custom, that’s all.

Here is a recipe for your sexist galette des rois! It’s the best and simplest I could find but is in French. Happy dégustation!

Espérer la Paix 1er janvier

Pierre Desproges écrit comiquement que “chaque région de notre (planète) a ses rites et ses coutumes qui ne sont pas les mêmes que ceux de la région d’à côté. Ainsi, pour bien nous haïr entre (peuples), nous devons tenter d’oublier ce qui nous unit, et mettre l’accent sur ce qui nous sépare.” Bonne recette pour avoir une année 2016 mondiale ancrée dans l’absurdité de la violence?

Mais en ce début d’année 2016, ce sont les individus terroristes qui posent d’avantage problème que des “peuples ennemis”. Est-ce que le terrorisme n’a pas remplacé l’ennemi? une idée remplaçant le tangible? C’est si simple. Il n’y a plus l’inconnu d’une autre culture qui, nous mettant mal à l’aise, crée en nous peur et distanciation, suivie de violence maladive. Maintenant on envoie des drônes (au pilote inconnu) soit disant tuer des personnalités dites terroristes, sans aucune procédure judiciaire. Du côté terreur, des personnes se mobilisent pour massacrer de parfaits innocents mais qui représentent l'”ordre” dont ils ne veulent pas. Leurs rites et leurs coutumes? Il ne semble pas y en avoir.

D’où viendra le dialogue engendrant une entente? Ce qui nous unit est notre humanité et la vie. Est-on tellement idiot?