Everyone Dies but Not Everybody Lives

Chloé asked the other day what it feels like to be dead?

Well we don’t know how to answer that question in an optimistic way, but I know we all die, and that we are probably not in a fit state at that point to “feel” anything – without a brain functioning, with enzymes flowing out of our dead cells, and all that gruesomeness. So everyone dies but more importantly what is this statement: Not Everybody Lives? Thank-you Prince Ea for bringing this up. Many motivational speakers have spoken on this topic but this is quite a powerful speech.
Some live to live out a dream and fail miserably. Some dream, accomplish what they set out to do and achieve greatness and recognition from their peers. And some just dream and go through life wishy washy, whatever, not my fault. I want to reach for the sky – even if I fail – again and again.
Prince Ea has prepared this video on his channel: please take time to watch. It’s well done and a tribute to his intelligence.

It’s a really important text. Wish I had the transcript.

Le temps est comme la cascade.
Tu ne l’empêchera pas de
couler mais tu peux t’y tremper
pour en jouir et pour
y boire à ta santé.

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